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International media's sinister design to malign India over CAA and NRC

Left leaning International media houses are again out in open to defame India. Recent Constitution Amendment Act (CAA) passed by the Indian Parliament and the proposed National Population Register (NPR) has made them uneasy. They are not able to digest the fact that the new legislation will allow Indian government to provide long due rights to the minorities of neighbouring Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh who had arrived in India after escaping from all possible forms of violence and discrimination at the hands of majority Muslim population.

They also can't tolerate the detection and deportation of crores of illegal immigrants under the proposed NPR and NRC, who are residing in India under the patronage of political parties who consider them as their vote bank, thriving on India's national resources. Moreover they can't see majority Hindus reclaiming their rights under the present govt. Leftists are proud of Islamic identity of 53 Muslim majority nations but they can't tolerate Hindu identity of India. There is a serious attempt to turn 15 crores muslims against the government and its policies by preaching hate and instilling fear that their religion and their identity both are in danger in Modi's New India.

The article in The Economist titled “Narendra Modi stokes divisions in the world’s biggest democracy”, says India’s 200m Muslims fear the prime minister is building a Hindu state. While Washington Post writes "The Modi government’s new citizenship law puts India at war with itself", New York Times echoes the same with "India Steps Toward Making Naturalization Harder for Muslims", knowing well that the new law has no provision to take away citizenship from any Indian citizen whether hindu or muslim. It only eases citizenship process for persecuted minorities from neighbouring muslim counties.

Same leftist media that went into hibernation when Islamic Jihadis butchered Kashmiri Pandits and forced them out of the valley, making them refugees in their own country, started shedding tears if India wants to deport illegal immigrants. They will immediately draw their cards of human rights abuse, denial of rights to Muslims, plight of Rohingyas, how Modi is dividing India, how India is on the path of a Hindu Rashtra and so on. BBC, CNN, Reuters, Economist should answer what is the purpose of Brexit law in UK? What is the purpose of the proposed wall on US-Mexico border? If they have rights to protect their national resources for their legal citizens by keeping out the foreigners, what wrong India has done?

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