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COVID-19: Even under lockdown, number of cases in India rise up to 1397; number of fatalities now at 35

The number of novel coronavirus cases continue to rise in India. As of 31st March, total confirmed cases in India rose to 1397 with 35 deaths. Even though the country is in lockdown since 24th March, the infection is showing no signs of slowing down. New hotsposts are emerging across India due to negligence and unawareness. The recent mass migration of workers from major metros to their respective states and the latest Tableeghi Jamaat in Nizamuddin area of Delhi, has seriously jeopardized government's fight against the pandemic.

Globally too, there has been a sharp increase in the number of infections with death toll soaring past 37,500, according to AFP. Total confirmed cases now stand at 7,82,365. Italy remains the top affected country with 11,591 deaths followed by Spain with 8269. The death toll in the United Kingdom also jumped to 1,789 fatalities with a daily record of 381 new coronavirus deaths confirmed.

In the United States, further restrictions on movement are being considered to curb the spread of the virus, with the country now reporting twice the number of cases as China where the outbreak began late last year. The US has nearly 163,500 confirmed cases, the highest number in the world, and more than 3,000 deaths.

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