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Joint training command for Army, Navy & IAF in the works, Nagpur the likely base

The Indian military is actively deliberating on setting up a new joint training command to meet the training needs of all its three branches, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.

While the location for the tri-service command is yet to be finalised, Nagpur is being discussed as an option, highly-placed defence sources said. The structure of the command is yet to be finalised. The development has also put on hold for now the Army’s proposal to shift its training command ARTRAC from Shimla to Meerut.

“The possibility of a joint training command for the three services is being deliberated upon. Shifting out ARTRAC from Shimla may not be relevant at this point,” a senior defence official said. The official added that there would be discussions on how the existing training commands could be merged to form the new structure.

While the Army’s training command is in Shimla, the Air Force’s training command is located in Bengaluru. The Navy does not have a separate training command. All training-related establishments of the Navy come under the purview of the Southern Naval Command.

The move for a joint training command is a continuation of the process that began in 2018 when a joint doctrine for the services was released by former chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) Admiral Sunil Lanba in the presence of then Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat and IAF chief B.S. Dhanoa.

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